Court: Environment and Land Court at Kisii
Category: Civil
Judge(s): Justice J.M. Onyango
Judgment Date: September 23, 2020
Country: Kenya
Document Type: PDF
Number of Pages: 3
Explore the 2020 eKLR case summary of Samwel Makana v Charles Minaro Nyambaso & others, detailing key legal principles and outcomes relevant to the parties involved.Case Brief: Samwel Makana v Charles Minaro Nyambaso & 2 others; Florence Bochaberi John (Applicant) [2020] eKLR1. Case Information: - Name of the Case: Samwel Makana v. Charles Minaro Nyambaso & Others - Case Number: ELC Case No. 172 of 2015 - Court: Environment and Land Court at Kisii - Date Delivered: 23rd September 2020 - Category of Law: Civil - Judge(s): Justice J.M. Onyango - Country: Kenya2. Questions Presented: - Whether the application filed by Florence Bochaberi John is competent. - Whether the applicant is entitled to the orders sought, including setting aside the judgment entered against the deceased 2nd Defendant..................
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